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20240702 20:15 Invamy https://rem-72.ru/
20240702 19:11 Invamy https://ant-models.ru/
20240702 10:09 badanov
20240702 09:59 badanov
20240628 17:09 49 Pan If I were the head of the DNC:
1. I would let this all settle down for a few days. Then I would tell Jill if Biden does not step down, the will support the invoking of the 25th.
2. I would put Kamala into the presidency. This is more important than anything. The dems could own the rights to the first female president, and a black one at that. It could carry at every election.
3. Kamala would run and lose.
4. The DNC should change directions, allow Kamala to lose, minimally funding her. They should, instead, focus on the house and Senate. If the DNC is to be relevant the need to own one of the three houses, they need to focus. If they lose all three, they will not be relevant in US politics for a decade.
5. The need to change their party from the party of social violence and propaganda to the party of truth.

We need a strong two party system, The dems have gone in all or nothing. No one wins from this over the long term.

If they decide to double down, Bidens comments during the debate on turning the DOJ against Trump will get him impeached. The Dems need to own this fraud, they need to understand they are going to lose, on a big scale. They need to mitigate their losses to remain relevant...
20240627 21:03 badanov
20240627 19:59 badanov I can telnet to rumble.com

telnet rumble.com 80

ctr z to exit.
20240627 19:56 badanov Weird. I can ping rumble.com. but their web server isn't working.